Suicide Miracles
What does it mean exactly "do or die"?
When you stop believing you can win, you've already lost.
Stuff and junk from my world view that finds an outlet in written form. My own personal hell shared with you. For your infotainment. All activity is performed without adult supervision.
What does it mean exactly "do or die"?
I had to get this out, before it reaches into me and settles.
The vision quest is described as(to my understanding,from reading folklore, go Wiki it for a vaguer description ) a journey to find one's place in the world. A rite of passage(Passage into what?).A turning point in a person's life, where everything that person has to do is revealed and defined. The said person would go on a journey into the wilderness, there he would live in the wild and be isolated from any form of contact. He would then meditate, for as long as it would take for visions to come. Often enduring the harsh environment, hunger, sickness or even death.