To dream the impossible dream.

This is THE Mansory-Bugatti Veyron Linea Vincero. Last I heard only 3 were ever made, and will never be re-made again.
It is said if you finish your studies and work hard enough, save up, possibly get rich you can have anything you want.
I doubt it.
No matter how hard you reach, nor how succesful you get you will never get one. Not even the richest people in the world.
I can't even drive, and I want one.
This I guess is the nature of dreaming; In this life, set your sights so astronomicaly high, give yourself a goal impossible to reach, be aware that it is impossible to reach, try anyway.
BTW The Japanese don't make cars, they make toys. A(ny/every) Ferrari is not a car. And only the Lamborghini Reventon comes close.